Statistical Modelling: Case Study

Download the dataset below to solve this Data Science case study on Statistical Modelling.

The given dataset is based on music tracks on Spotify and contains following features:

  1. Track Name, Artists, Album Name: These are categorical variables related to the music track.
  2. Popularity: Numerical value representing the track’s popularity.
  3. Release Date: The date on which the track was released.
  4. Duration (ms): The length of the track in milliseconds.
  5. Explicit: Boolean indicating whether the track contains explicit content.
  6. Danceability, Energy, Loudness: Attributes that describe the musical qualities of the track.
  7. Speechiness, Acousticness, Instrumentalness, Liveness, Valence, Tempo: Other attributes describing more dimensions of the track.

The task is to perform statistical modelling to find what determines the popularity of a music track. Here are some tasks you need to perform:

  1. Quantitative Analysis of Musical Features: Systematically analyze how different features such as danceability, energy, loudness, and valence correlate with and predict the popularity of music tracks.
  2. Development of Predictive Statistical Models: Construct and refine multiple statistical models to accurately predict music track popularity based on quantitative data.
  3. Statistical Insight Generation: Utilize the results from the statistical models to provide quantifiable insights and recommendations for enhancing track popularity.

References to Solve this Data Science Case Study


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